
Venue: Virtual

Contact: Mark Hooper 


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Declarations of interest


To Approve as a Correct Record The Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 494 KB


Chairman's Announcements


Report of the Leader of the Council on Cabinet Decisions from the Meetings held on 8 September and 6 October 2020 and Cabinet Member Decisions pdf icon PDF 381 KB


Minutes of the Strategic (Overview And Scrutiny) Committee pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Minutes of the Economic Growth, Environment & Development (Overview & Scrutiny) Committee pdf icon PDF 117 KB


Minutes of the Community, Housing & Health (Overview & Scrutiny) Committee pdf icon PDF 114 KB


Minutes of the Leisure, Parks & Waste Management (Overview & Scrutiny) Committee pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


Minutes of the Audit & Member Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 239 KB

The Chairman of the Audit and Member Standards Committee to move that the proceedings of the meeting heldon 22 July 2020 be received and where necessary approved and adopted.



Minutes of the Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 200 KB

The Chairman of the Planning Committee to move that the proceedings of the meetings heldon 27 July and 24 August 2020 be received and where necessary approved and adopted.

Additional documents:


Minutes of the Regulatory & Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 106 KB

The Chairman of the Regulatory & Licensing Committee to move that the proceedings of the meetings heldon 30 July and 28 September 2020 be received and where necessary approved and adopted.


Additional documents:


Minutes of the Employment Committee pdf icon PDF 12 KB

The Chairman of Employment Committee to move that the proceedings of the meeting heldon 1 October 2020 (to follow) be received and where necessary approved and adopted.



Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020-25 pdf icon PDF 303 KB

To approve any recommendations made by Cabinet at the meeting on 6 October 2020 in connection with the report on the Medium Term Financial Strategy.



Lichfield City Centre Masterplan pdf icon PDF 719 KB

To approve any changes to the Medium Term Financial Strategy recommended by Cabinet at the meeting on 6 October 2020 in connection with the Lichfield Masterplan.


Additional documents:


Environmental Health Enforcement Policy pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Additional documents:


Changes to Committees pdf icon PDF 286 KB

(a) To approve changes to the Committee arrangements for Asset Management


(b) To approve changes to the Membership of Committees


Motions on Notice

(A) The Following Motion has been submitted by Councillor Norman:


That Lichfield District Council:


(i) acknowledges the efforts that this council has made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy by declaring the Climate Change Emergency last year and developing a Local Procurement Policy;


(ii) further recognises  


  • that very large financial setup and running costs involved in selling locally generated renewable electricity to local customers result in it being impossible for local renewable electricity generators to do so, 


  • that making these financial costs proportionate to the scale of a renewable electricity supplier’s operation would enable and empower new local businesses, or councils, to be providers of locally generated renewable electricity directly to local customers, and


  • that revenues received by new local renewable electricity providers could be used to help improve the local economy, local services and facilities and to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions;


(iii) accordingly resolves to support the Local Electricity Bill, supported by many MPs from both sides of the house which, if made law, would establish a Right to Local Supply which would promote local renewable electricity supply companies and co-operatives by making the setup and running costs of selling renewable electricity to local customers proportionate to the size of the supply operation; and


(iv) further resolves to  

  • inform the local media of this decision,
  • write to local MPs, asking them to support the Bill, and
  • write to the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, Power for People, (at 8 Delancey Passage, Camden, London NW1 7NN or expressing its support.


(B) The following Motion has been submitted by Councillor Evans:


This Council commends the work of the officers to support the transition of Council and committee meetings to an online format in the face of social distancing restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic. This Council further understands that the use of new technology represents an opportunity for current and future elected representatives to engage a wider audience in its work, including parents or guardians with young children, commuters, shift workers and those with mobility problems. This Council resolves to continue the use of virtual meetings while social distancing restrictions remain in place and to actively consider ways of integrating video conferencing and the online streaming of Council and committee meetings when restrictions are lifted, so that it can continue to engage with the wider community.




To answer any questions under procedure rule 11.2


Exclusion of Press and Public

RESOLVED: “That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972”


Confidential Minutes of the Employment Committee

The Chairman of Employment Committee to move that the confidential proceedings of the meeting heldon 1 October 2020 (to follow) be received and where necessary approved and adopted.