Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Wendy Johnson
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Drinkwater and Councillor Mrs Stanhope MBE. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: All members present declared a personal interest as Councillor Bernard Cocksey (Objector) is known to all as he is a Lichfield City Councillor. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 March 2019 previously circulated were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Planning Applications Additional documents: Minutes: Applications for permission for development were considered with the recommendations of the Director of Place and Community and any letters of representation and petitions of observations/representations together with a supplementary report of observations/representations received since the publication of the agenda in association with Planning Applications 18/01484/OUTM and 19/00166/FUL
18/01484/OUTM – Erection of 28No dwellings with ancillary parking and private amenity space, provision of public open space area; site infrastructure and landscaping (outline application relating to access) Land South of Tamworth Road, Lichfield For J&J Properties
RESOLVED: That this planning application be deferred to allow the submission of further information and clarification with regard to a number of issues, including related to the following. The consideration of all relevant planning matters will then be given due consideration when the application is brought back to committee for consideration and determination:-
· Submission of an Air Quality Impact Assessment; · Further information and clarification on the noise monitoring undertaken in relation to noise from the A38 and additional consideration on the impact on future residents; · Clarification on impact on archaeological assets in the vicinity; · Consideration of whether the speed limit on the Tamworth Road could be reduced from 40mph to 30mph; · Consideration of the provision of a footpath from the development to nearby bus stop to ensure safe access thereto/from; · To ensure limited impact on adjacent heritage building; · Justification for the number of dwellings proposed in terms of impacts and all material planning consideration raised; and, · Further assurance on landscape matters with regard to tree officer comments made.
19/00166/FUL – Retention of roller shutter doors to car park entrance B&M Retail Limited, 25-27 Market Street, Lichfield For: B&M Retail
RESOLVED: That planning permission be refused for the following reason:-
The proposal by reason of its siting and design introduces a prominent and incongruous feature to the existing building and, as a consequence, has a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the Lichfield City Conservation Area. The proposal therefore fails to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. It is not considered that any public benefits of the scheme would outweigh the less than substantial harm that would be caused to the designated heritage asset. The development is therefore contrary to Policies C2 (Character of Conservation Areas) and C7 (Buildings out of Scale or Character) of the Lichfield District Local Plan (1998) (saved policies); Policies BE1 (High Quality Development) and Core Policy 14 (Our Built and Historic Environment) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015); the emerging Policy BE2 (Heritage Assets) of the Local Plan Allocations Document; the Historic Environment Supplementary Document and Government Guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework. |