Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room

Contact: Wendy Johnson 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Powell.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Baker declared a non-pecuniary interest in application nos.  22/00072/COU and 22/01282/FUL as Ward Councillor speaking in objection to these applications.  She did not participate in the debate or the vote and left the room.


Councillor Checkland declared a non-pecuniary interest in application no. 21/01956/OUTFLM as due to comments made, he would be approaching a decision with a ‘closed mind’ and pre-determined.  He did not participate in the debate and left the room.


Councillor Cross declared a personal interest in application no. 19/01015/OUTM as he is a Fradley & Streethay Parish Councillor but advised he was not aware of this application.


Councillor Matthews declared a personal interest in application no. 21/01956/OUTFLM as he has a close relative living in the adjacent site.  He did not participate in the debate and left the room.


Councillor Salter declared that he was Chairman of Shenstone Parish Council but advised he was not aware of the TPO application no. 2022/00472/TPO Vine Cottage, Church Road, Shenstone.



Minutes of Previous Meeting

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2023 previously circulated were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Tree Preservation Order no. 2022/00472/TPO Vine Cottage, Church Road, Shenstone, Lichfield, WS14 0NG pdf icon PDF 1015 KB



Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order no. 2022/00472/TPO at Vine Cottage, Church Road, Shenstone, Lichfield, WS14 0NG


RESOLVED: Tree Preservation Order confirmed without modification.





Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 7 MB

Additional documents:


Applications for permission for development were considered with the
recommendations of the Chief Executive and any letters of representation and
petitions of observations/representations received together with the supplementary
report of observations/representations received since the publication of the agenda inassociation with Planning Applications 21/01956/OUTFLM, 22/00072/COU, 22/01282/FUL, 19/01015/OUTM and22/01680/FUL


21/01956/OUTFLM - Full application for the construction of 500 dwellings, access via Lichfield Southern Bypass, footpaths, cycleways, public open space, play areas, sports pitches, landscaping, district park including biodiversity enhancement area, drainage and development infrastructure (part retrospective); and OUTLINE application (all matters reserved) for a primary school (F1a), a mixed use community hub to include commercial development (Ea, Eb, Ec, Sui Generis hot food takeaways and drinking establishments with expanded food provision) and a community building (F2b). (Amended description to reflect reduced number of residential properties proposed and incorporating 169 dwellings (phase 2A) approved and built under 19/00478/REMM)
Land South of Shortbutts Lane, Lichfield, Staffordshire
FOR: Persimmon Homes West Midlands


Members debated the proposal and Officers responded to comments and comments raised.


RESOLVED:- That this planning application be approved subject to conditions contained in the report of the Chief Executive;  and with additional conditions regarding ecology of the site towards Marsh Lane and protection of existing properties from thepond bund; and subject to the prior completion of s106 obligations as outlined in the Report;  and   that the final decision be delegated to Planning Officers to finalise and agree the final conditions and Heads of Terms for the s106  in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by George Petrou, (Objector) (Written Representation) and Alastair Stewart of Persimmon Homes West Midlands (Applicant)).



22/00072/COU - Retention of Public House with single storey extension to rear and first floor side/ rear extension and alterations to form 3 No. first and second floor apartments.
The Greyhound Inn, 121 Upper St John Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire
FOR: Mr Bujar Cekrezi


Members debated the proposal at length and Officers responded to comments and comments raised. Members concerns included that before it closed the Pub was a live music venue; and that there were no specific noise mitigation measures proposed to protect the residential amenity of future occupiers of the flats from the noise of live music from the Pub; this in turn could lead to complaints about noise and so affect the future viability of the Pub.  


RESOLVED:-That this planning application be approved subject to  conditions contained in the report of the Chief Executive and the additional condition that a noise scoping assessment and subsequent noise report be  submitted and agreed any mitigation required to be carried out be secured ; and subject to the prior completion of  a s106 TCPA 1990 Unilateral Undertaking relating to the payment for recreational mitigation for the Cannock Chase SAC. That Officers be delegated to finalise conditions in consultation with the Chair.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Adam Randall (CAMRA, Objector) (Written  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.