Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Monday, 3rd April, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room

Contact: Wendy Johnson 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Leytham, Ray, Powell and Salter.



Declarations of Interest


Councillor Anketell declared a personal interest in application no. 22/01709/COU as the objector speaker was known to him.


Councillor Baker advised that she had met with the residents re: application no. 22/01709/COU but confirmed she was not predetermined.


Councillor Matthews advised that he had also met with the residents re: application 22/01709/COU but confirmed he was not predetermined.






Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 105 KB


The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2023 previously circulated were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Additional documents:


Applications for permission for development were considered with the
recommendations of the Chief Executive and any letters of representation and
petitions of observations/representations received together with the supplementary report of observations/representations received since the publication of the agenda in association with Planning Applications 22/00110/FULM,
22/01709/COU, 22/01377/FULand 22/01427/COU.



22/00110/FULM - Installation of a solar farm comprising ground-mounted Solar Photovoltaic panels (PV) with agenerating capacity of up to 49.9MW together with all associated works, equipment and necessary infrastructure
Land At Highfields Farm, Clifton Lane, Tamworth, Staffordshire
FOR: Mr Sean Murphy


Members were advised that the Chair had raised a concern that the assessment of the agricultural land classification as 3b in the report was incorrect, but that the Applicant opposed the deferral of the application.  Members were advised it was possible to determine the application in principle subject to subsequent confirmation that the classification was correct.  The Chair explained his concerns surrounding the classification.


RESOLVED:- That this planning application be deferred as concern was raised with regard to the agricultural land classification being 3b.  Further investigations were required by officers, in consultation with the Chair, to ascertain if the classification was above 3b before the determination of the application.



22/01709/COU - Change of use of 28-30 Chapel Lane to a 7-person HMO with internal alterations (Class Sui Generis);provision of bin stores and bicycle parking; and retention of existing shop (Class E).
28 Chapel Lane, Lichfield, Staffordshire
FOR: Mr Manraj Dulai


Members debated the proposal and Officers responded to comments and comments raised.


A Resolution to refuse the application on the grounds of fire safety concerns/no means of escape and impact on the residential amenity – contrary to policy BE1 - traffic generation, car parking impact, highway safety, residential amenity of residents and neighbours, impact on shop was lost.


RESOLVED:- That this planning application be approved subject to the prior completion of a S106 TCPA 1990 Unilateral Undertaking relating to the payment for recreational mitigation for the Cannock Chase SAC and the conditions contained in the report of the Chief Executive and amended condition wording in the supplementary report together with an additional condition to ensure the maximum occupancy be 7-persons only and that Officers be delegated to finalise the additional condition wording in consultation with the Chair.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mr Brian Maguire (Objector), Councillor Spruce (Ward Member) and Mr George Weightman, Astill Planning Consultants (Applicant’s Agent)).



22/01377/FUL - Demolition of single storey part of existing dwelling and storage building and conversion, extensionand alteration of domestic outbuilding to form 1no. dwelling and associated works
Littleton House, Pipe Lane, Pipe Ridware, Rugeley
FOR: Mr & Mrs R & W Sanders


Members debated the proposal and Officers responded to comments and comments raised.


RESOLVED:- That this planning application be approved subject to the prior completion of a S106 TCPA 1990 Unilateral Undertaking relating to the payment for recreational mitigation for the Cannock Chase SAC and the conditions contained in the report of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.