Issue - meetings

Skateboard Facility at Burntwood Leisure Centre

Meeting: 09/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6.)

6. Skateboard Facility at Burntwood Leisure Centre pdf icon PDF 396 KB


  The Cabinet:


1.1          Approved the installation of a new Skatepark facility at Burntwood Leisure Centre with operational management and responsibility for maintenance assigned to councils wholly owned company Lichfield West Midlands Trading Services (LWMTS).

1.2      Delegated to the Deputy Leader and Property Services and Estates Manager responsibility to agree all necessary agreements to facilitate the project subject to financial implications being within Approved Budgets.


1.3      Recommended to Council to include a project in the Capital Programme for the new Skateboard Facility of £106,000 with (£86,000) of funding provided by Section 106 and a contribution from Burntwood Town Council of (£20,000).




Declarations of interest on this item were received from Simon Fletcher and Kerry Dove as directors of LWMTS.