Issue - meetings

Governance of Planning Obligations - Strategic Infrastructure Group and Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy

Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 3.)

3. Governance of Planning Obligations - Strategic Infrastructure Group and Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Additional documents:


  The Cabinet approved:


1.1          The revised membership of SIG in Table 1 of the Cabinet report.

1.2       The creation an annual ‘Infrastructure List’ within the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) which would set out a shortlist of strategic projects and/or types of projects that would be eligible for applications for CIL funding that year.


1.3      The revised CIL governance and administration procedures (Appendix A of the Cabinet report), and the allocation and spend of CIL additional guidance (Appendix B of the Cabinet report) documents to reflect the proposed changes.