Issue - meetings
Procurement for the Provision of Road Sweeping Services
Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 8.)
Procurement of Road Sweeping Contract
Additional documents:
The Cabinet:
1.1. Approved the award of a 2-year contract for road sweeping services with provision for two 2-year contract extensions (2+2+2) with completion subject to the additional cost of the contract being identified from existing Approved Budgets.
1.2. Delegated the approval to utilise the option to extend the contract to the Head of Operational Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Leisure & Local Plan.
1.3. Determined whether the additional cost of the adopted highway sweeping be kept within approved budgets by either:
- meeting the cost from within the road cleansing budget by reducing the coverage of trunk road cleansing, or
- instructing officers to identify alternative savings from within the wider Operational Services approved budget.