Issue - meetings

Changes to the Housing Options Service

Meeting: 10/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 3.)

Changes to the Housing Options Service

Additional documents:


The Cabinet:


1.1     Approved the new arrangements for the administration of the housing register and allocations scheme.


1.2       Approved the revised allocation scheme at Appendix B of the Cabinet report for final consultation with registered providers, and delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Housing and Health and the Head of Regulatory Services, Housing and Wellbeing to make further amendments if required after consideration of the Registered Providers’ responses and in the future if minor amendments are needed.


1.3       Accepted Bromford’s financial offer of compensation and agreed to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Housing and Health and Head of Regulatory Services, Housing and Wellbeing to agree to vary the terms of the 2010 Deed of Covenant and Variation to the stock transfer agreement and any other variations as required.