Issue - meetings

Multi Refurbishment

Meeting: 12/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 4.)

Multi-Storey Car Park Refurbishment Project

Additional documents:


The Cabinet:


1.1       Approved the procurement of works to undertake a refurbishment of the Multi Storey car park.


1.2       Delegated to the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Environment and Development Services, in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth, the authority to appoint contractors following a procurement exercise and subject to the costs being within agreed budgets.


  1.3      Recommended to Full Council :


·         The inclusion of a new project in the Capital Programme with a total cost of up to £300,000 (including £50,000 of contingency) funded by the restricted earmarked reserve entitled ‘Birmingham Road Car Park Repairs and Renewals’.


·         A change to the revenue budget to reflect the savings identified in the revenue implications section of this report