Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To note the final Car Parking Strategy and approve the Action Plan.
The Cabinet:
1.1. Approved the Car Parking Strategy (Appendix A of the Cabinet report) and Project Delivery Action Plan (Appendix B of the Cabinet report).
1.2. Recommended that Council:
a) Allocate an additional £650,000 to the Medium Term Financial Strategy (£630,000 in the Capital Programme and £20,000 in the revenue budget detailed in the financial implications section) for the delivery of interventions contained in the Project Delivery Action Plan.
b) Fund these projects through either external funding or in the event this is not available, from the car park earmarked reserve.
Report author: Helen Bielby
Publication date: 10/11/2021
Date of decision: 09/11/2021
Decided at meeting: 09/11/2021 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: