Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
That Cabinet agree to the recommended adoption of the proposed strategy to enable the CIL funds collected to be spent effectively and appropriately to secure the provision of relevant strategic infrastructure within the district.
The Cabinet:
1.1 Approved the revised policy and procedure for determining the allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) monies to meet strategic infrastructure requirements.
1.2 Agreed that the implementation of the approach be monitored and kept under review in order to ensure that it reflects up to date Local Plan policy with regard to infrastructure needs and also any future relevant legislative changes to CIL.
1.3 Agreed the following revisions to the CIL governance process:
· That the CIL Annual Financial Monitoring report (April) and mid-year update (October) are agreed by the Cabinet member for Economic Development and Local Plan, Parks & Leisure in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth and Development and reported as a briefing paper to the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny committee.
· That the approval of transfer of CIL monies related to the Cannock Chase and River Mease Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Neighbourhood CIL is delegated to the Cabinet member for Economic Development and Local Plan, Parks & Leisure in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth and Development.
· That the current Joint Member and Officer Group (JMOG) is disbanded and consideration of the future preparation and revision of CIL policies, procedures and proposals including approval of spending discretionary CIL allocations for strategic infrastructure projects is made the responsibility of the Strategic Infrastructure Group (SIG) in conjunction with the Cabinet member for Economic Development and Local Plan, Parks & Leisure.
· That the operation of the SIG is scrutinised by the new Overview & Scrutiny committee and/or any such Task Group established for this purpose.
1.4 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the revised policy, procedure and governance arrangements be approved and adopted.
Report author: Stephen Stray
Publication date: 09/06/2021
Date of decision: 08/06/2021
Decided at meeting: 08/06/2021 - Cabinet
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